Daily Routine and Emergency Help for Hypertension.

    Daily Routine

  • Exercises to use to normalize Blood Pressure.
  • Simple daily routine to keep blood pressure under control.
  • Exercises to reduce damage from prior heart conditions.
  • How to normalize plood pressure in a mater of seconds?
  • All exercises are not physically challenging, all can be done on yourself, and most of them - on another person as well.

    Emergency Help

  • Heart Attack, Stroke, Hypertensive crisis: what should you do BEFORE ambulance arrives?
  • Simple pressure points technics to reduce damage from acute heart conditions.
  • Acupressure, Sujok Therapy, Traditional technics.
  • How to normalize plood pressure in a mater of seconds?
  • All technics are not physically challenging, all can be done on yourself, and most of them - on another person as well.


An Introduction

Emergency Help for Heart Related Conditions.

Blood pressure and damage related to it is aaddressed by a large area of modern medicine. But in this particular tutorial we are only going to talk about things you can do yourself. And of course, there are two parts to it.

First part is a (hopefully!) daily routine that will help you to keep blood pressure (both increased and decreased) under control. A common misconception is that hypertension is forever. It is not so, though of course, you will have to put some work on it.

The second part is an emergency help. What should you do if the disasterose blood pressure change already occured? What should you do if it have already caused some damage: stroke, heart attack, disorientation, vision problems...

What should you do BEFORE the ambulance arrives? This period of time, sometimes short, sometimes, unfortunately, it can grow longer, is critical. The more you do, the less the resulting damage will be, and the difference can be as signifficant as between "total paralysis for the rest of the life" and "just stood up and walked away". Just remember that simply sitting and waiting for doctors to come is not the best possible strategy: the person (you or someone else) is DYING. The brain cells (in case of stroke) or heart cells (if we are talking about the heart attack) are starving for oxygen, and in a mater of minutes the changes can become irreversible.

Yet, there are technics that can help, support and in many cases even to revert the damage. It is vital to learn them and to be ready to apply.

I am going to show you how...

Problems with Blood Pressure: What is it?

When people mention stroke and heart attack, they usually associate these "No 1 killers" with an increased bvlood pressure. Mostly, they are correct. High blood pressure can damage blood vessels, creating an internal bleeding or it can be a reaction to a clot, blocking an arthery. Arthery is blocked, part of your body screams for an oxygen... How can we bring more oxygen to it? By increasing the blood pressure. So high blood pressure can be a compensatory state.

However, low blood pressure can produce the same sort of problems: low supply of blood, low level of oxygen and starving of the brain and heart tissue. In this tutorial, I provide exercises that work equally well both on high and low blood pressure: they NORMALIZE it.

By the way, I am going to talk mostly about brain and heart, because depriving them of oxygen is the fastest way to kill a person. However, you should keep in mind, that other organs are equally vulnerable to oxygen deprivation. It is just if we block the arthery feeding a kidney, the death will not be that fast and therefore, dramatic... Though equally dangerous.

Surprisingly, internal bleeding and clots are not the only problems high blood pressure can create: the list is long and sometimes problems are far from obvious. HBP (High Blood Pressure) provokes varicose veins (which is a known source of clots), hemorrhoids, swelling (and additional problems with blood circulation as a result).

Blood pressure can also be partially responsible for memory loss, vision deterioration, kidneys and liver failure, and much more up to sore joints, disk ruptures and hair loss. There are countless conditions that - thanks to an overspecialized modern medicine - are considered to be separate diseases.

In other words, everything is interrelated in our body, including the blood pressure. And let's face it, even if a person manages to survive through the stroke or heart attack, the impact on quality of life is usually huge. In this e.book I am going to reveal some traditional emergency self-help technics, but isn't it beter to avoid the problem instead of dealing with the consequences? Exercise presented in this e.book will help you to normalize the blood pressure.

Additional problem that should be mentioned is related to your blood vessels: if the walls of your vessels get dense (a common result of an exposure to a high blood pressure), then they lack flexibility and can break any moment. Also, it is harder for the oxygen to diffuse through such vessels. Sooner or later, the damaged capillares die, blood circulation in that area stops and the tissue around begins starving.

One more thing, related to the "surviving through the crisis" that I have mentioned above. Often - way too often to be ignored - the first "experience" with stroke and heart attack is reasonably soft. You have problems, you get to the hospital, you walk out feeling safe... And you are WRONG.

The problem, whatever it was, is still with you, emergency medicine can keep you alive, but it can not cure you. And the second time is thousand times worse. So please, if you got your "fair warning" from the Universe: listen to it. Changing life style, doing proper exercises, it all can help to avoid the crisis. But if you do nothing, well... It is almost guaranteed to repeat.

Importance of the "on the spot" help.

If we are talking about the first stroke or heart attack (for second, chances are worse, but same logic applies), then a proper help delivered during the first few minutes can make a dramatic difference in like 90% cases. You need, of course, to know what to do.

An additional introduction.

As I mentioned, this e.book is about BOTH preventive exercises and an emergency help.

Yet, you can use the word "crisis" to describe different things. Is 170x100 a crisis? Or should it be 220x130? Now, if you have a mild crisis condition (a blood pressure increased above normal but below disasterous values), you can do some additional exercises to normalize it fast. So I am going to include these exercises in the e.book. It is usually clear which is a first-aid and which is an emergency-kit ones.

Note that when I mentioned the "mild crisis", I was only talking about blood pressure change; there is no such thing as a "mild" stroke!

Part 1. Supportive Exercises.

As was already mentioned, these exercises are to be used as a prevention measure, PLUS they will help in case your blood pressure is off its normal values. For an emergency help exercises, please refer to the second part of a book.

Quote from eBook: Exercise 4.

Push with your palms against the wall, at a level that is high enough (higher that when your hands are parallel to the floor). Keep your feet parallel. If this position is uncomfortable for you, you can bend your knees a little bit, but it is better to keep them straight. Allow your head to hang down, relaxed.

Slowly, at a comfortable pace, so that your ligaments have time to adjust, let your palms to slide down by the wall. Keep your back and knees straight.


Quote from eBook: Exercise 8.

As many exercises in this e.book, this one works with acupressure points. In the same time, acupressure is always misunderstood: it is, after all, a massage and it can, sometimes, be painful.

Sit on your knees, cross your ankles. When you move your body down, the upper leg massages (presses against) the Achilles tendon and a calf muscle of the lower leg.

As you do it, move the legs intersection point from ancles to point right under your knees.

At the beginning, this exercise is very painful, in future, if you do it often enough, your muscles and ligaments will become soft and pain will be gone.

Here is a hi-tech alternative to crossing legs:

As you do the exercise, it is recommended to keep your knees together. Most of the work should be done with the place where the ligament turns inro the muscule.

This exercise helps restoring blood circulation, relaxing and refreshing muscules, allowing them to let the blood move up. It is a great exercise to treat varicose veins: doing it up to 1 minute is considered safe even if you have advanced varicose condition (as always, consult your physitian).

The exercise also stimulates the walls of arterial vessels in your legs (did you know that leg muscles can help artherias to work better?).

If you have some kind of a knee trauma, be careful when massaging points under the knee.

Part 2. Emergency Technics.

First of all, we live in a highly regulated world. So, in addition to a standard disclaimer, I have to give you an additional warning. In some countries, some of technics, described in this book can be considered illegal. A simple example: do you have right to poke a stranger with a toothpicker? What if it is the only way to save his life? Well, it is your choice... I would suggest learning these technics but using caution when applying them. Sorry. I know I was supposed to motivate you, but...

It definitely does not apply to the case when you are helping yourself though.

Killer No 1.

Hypertension is word used to describe a wide set of conditions, related to increased blood pressure. It is a result of a prolonged spasm of small arteries, that is the result of a problems in neural regulation of vascular tonus. The disease usually lasts years, with periods of improvements and declines.

Having this condition for years results in irreversible changes in blood vessels, and as the result, to damage to such orgens as heart, kidneys, brain.

According to mortality statistics, it is a No 1 killer disease; it takes down ALL parts of our body, not being limited to just heart attacks and stroke. Damaged are, to mention few, lungs, intestines, glands of internal secretion.

It is not enough to take anty hypertensic pills and aspirine; as by doing so you only play with probabilities. For example, aspirin makes your blood more fluid, making it easier for the heart to pump it. This is a definite plus, so cardiologists would recommend you taking it regularly. But in the same time, aspirin reduces the ability of blood to coagulate, which can lead to internal bleedings, including ones in the brain (also known as hemorrhagic stroke). So what doctors do is taking probabilities: will your chance of surviving increase? Yes. Then take it. Yet it does not solve the problem.

Let's list symptoms of a hypertensive crisis:

  • Abrupt increase of bloog pressure.
  • Headache.
  • Vomiting.
  • Convulsions.
  • Altered state of mind.
  • Slow reaction.
  • Coma.
  • Muscules twitching.
  • Changed speach (as if a person speaks with the mouth full).
  • Sudden vision problems, up to the blindness.

This same list, with some minor changes, can be used as symptoms of stroke and heart attack. Generally, if you see fear (o death), slow reaction, vomiting, headache, problems controlling part of the body, sudden blindness, inability to remember something and so on, it can be a result of a blood vessels related disaster, no mater Hypertension crisis, stroke of heart attack.

Hypertension also affects the overall state of our health. Blood vessels of liver: cirrhosis. Blood vessels of eyes: yellowish shade of the eye whites; intestines, toe nails, blood vessels on the face, veins on the legs...

What are the reasons causing hypertension? First of all, it can be kidneys related problems, as well as problems with adrenalene glands. Kidneys produce aldosterene, a hormone regulating amount of liquid in our body. It also affects sodium - potassim balance. Accordingly, disbalance of these hormones results in arrhythmia, tachycardia and swelling.

Adrenal glands are very important, they produce hormones of sympato-adrenalene group, the most important of them, adrenalene. Also we should mention norepinephrine and epinephrine, hormones that increase the blood pressure. They are hormones of a stress. And when off balance, they can kill a person.

Another reason can be in gallbladder. If it does not work properly, extra cholesterol goes to the blood stream - to be deposited in our vessels.

Even the sceleton can take part in it: osteochondrosis can cause an arterias feeding the brain to be squeezed (we are talking about the neck arterias). Then your brain will starve for oxygen.

This chapter is mostly about an emergency help. But please, do not ignore the first chapter. Even if a person survived the crisis, some rehab is required. Exercises from the first chapter can make a dramatic difference.

The first minutes.

First few minutes are the most important ones. Both brain and heart are very sensitive to ishemia (lack of oxygen). Fortunately, our brain is built with some extra resources: some parts of brain are getting oxygen from more than one capillary network. That means that if one arteria is clogged, some blood will still be delivered from the net served by the other arteria.

Same thing we can see in the heart. Blood networks overlap, giving us an extra chance to survive. Of course, not all parts of our heart and brain have this nice feature. An if the blood vessels have dense walls (as the result of being exposed to increased blood pressure), if they are inflexible and clogged... then the area with unique source of blood circulation begins dying.

Cells that are cut off the blood supply will die within six minutes, give or take. That is, if during this time the ambulance will not create a miracle. After that moment, either the functionality of a damaged part that still have some feeding from the other capillary network is enough... or the person dies.

If the person does not die, the choice is, depending on the severity of a case: either he/she will besome handicapped, or he/she will recover.

It is that simple. Either we provide the necessary help during first few minutes, help that will support a person until the amblance comes... or not. And if we do, then at something like 95% probability the person will NOT become handicapped. No damage to talk about.

So we are going to learn how to support the overlapping zones of blood circulation, making sure they survive the crisis.

Few more symptoms.

Usually, when a person is having a heart attack, it hearts at the left. It can be a chest pain, it can be hand, a shoulder blade, neck, jaw and so on. But it is important to realize that a) there can be no pain and b) it can also heart at the right side. So be prepared to ignore "experts" saying "it hurts on the right - it is not heart".

Usually (again: "usually" does not mean "always"), it hurts when person inhales. Usually, eue pupils are wide and you can see the fear in person's eyes. A person is afraid to die, even if he/she does not realize it.

During stroke, often (but not necessarily) one of the mouth corners is lower than the other one. Same way, an eye can be lower, or an eyebrow.

There can be speech impairment, as if a person is talking with the mouth full, or as if the person is drunk. Sometimes, the person can not lift a hand, or both hands.

A person can also collapse, nconscious. Can loose control over urine and fecals.

Just remember that there are no absolute symptoms. A person can be 100% sure he's having heart problems, while the problem is with the brain.

Another common symptom: the tip of person's nose, ears and tips of fingers turn blue. It is called cyanosis.

First step.

I know it sounds silly, but the first step is to call the ambulance. Not "how are doing, should I call a doctor". No. Call an ambulance. Then begin helping, as described below. If you have another person near you, give her a phone: "here, call for help", that will give you an extra minute or two for doing emergency help. But remember: ambulance first.

Quote from eBook: Exercise 32.

A very important device you can use to help a person - or yourself - is... a toothpicker. Of course, it can easily be replaced with pen, edge of a credit card, even with your teeth. Still, toothpicker is the best.

Remember: points at tips of all our fingers (same with toes, but taking off person's shoes means loosing time, so we are going to work with hands) are connected (in an acupuncture sense of this word) with our heart. Press with the toothpicker, and do not be gentle: it should hurt like hell in order to work. Up to bleeding, up to puncturing the skin. Just keep in mind that some countries have severe laws forbidding you to puncture the patient's skin unless you are a certified physitian, so it is up to you to choose between a possible jain sentence and saving life of a total stranger. Ask your lawyer. Seriously.

Poke the points at the tips of each finger, beginning with left hand. Spend at least five seconds per finger.


This was a basic set of revitalizing points. What is missed completely, is set of technics for an artificial respiration, technics of indirect cardiac massage and so on. In this book I assume that the patient is still breathing. Nevertheless, indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration are important technics and one probably should spend some time learning them.

In addition to the technics above:

If the "patient" is yourself, do your best to make breathing in and out slow, extended in time. Or even do pauses after breathing out. It has to do with CO2 levels in our blood.

Be aware. Often, people do not know the symptomps, or do not know what to do if the crisis happened. Also, sometimes people that had a crisis in the recent past, ignore the symptoms of a new one, believing that it is a "tail" of a previous problem.

Make sure you know what to tell when calling for help. "A person collapsed, lost conscious, but before doing it, complained on the chest pain - but still breathing." This is probably the most motivating thing an ambulance can receive.

If you have a chance, try cooling down person's head (a pack of frozen vegetables will do).

Very often, stroke and heart attack is accompanies with pulmonary edema - the liquid fills the person's lungs, making it hard to breath. It is fairly easy to detect by the gurgling sound when the person breathes. What should you do?

First of all, inform the ambulance. Second, use same points as were described above. And... alcohol.

Find alcohol, that is about 50% strong, heat it up and let the person breath in the vapour. Just put a plate with hot whiskey in front of the person, cover them - both person and plate - with a sheet of fabric, and let her breath for a minute. Alcohol vapour reduces the lung problems.

And instead of a conclusion. According to statistics, 70% of the entire population have problems with blood pressure, one way or another. Be aware and have an emergency plan.

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